How to Choose Fabrics for a Four Color Quilt

Four color quilts are a party waiting to happen. They abound in opportunities to play with light and dark, warm and cool, and all the textures of print.

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Welcome back to our How to Choose Fabrics Series! Four color quilts are a built-in party, and they allow so much opportunity for accent, variety, and visual interest! Let’s continue to play with the three types of contrast I taught you: Value, Color, and Scale.

If you missed the All about Contrast post at the beginning, be sure to check it out here!



Three color quilts were exciting because they allow for a light, medium, and dark, but by four colors, you can get a proper wash. This is the stuff gradient and transparency quilts are made of, and it can be magical.


We’ve talked about complementary colors and triads, but four color quilts begin to lend themselves to another arrangement of color: analogous colors— colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. An analogous color scheme with good value and scale contrast as well would really go BAZINGA!


What starts to be really fun about quilts that use more colors is the “scrappy” effect that is created even when yardage is used. Can you imagine how delicious colors like these would be in a truly scrappy quilt? As you embrace the variety of color and value, embrace scrappiness, too! Remember, think party!


Looking for an easy reference to keep with your stash or take to the quilt shop? Click below to get my FREE Quick Guide to Choosing Fabrics delivered straight to your inbox!


How to Choose Colors for Five and Six Color Quilts


How to Quilt Orange Peels and Monkey Wrenches